Monday, November 28, 2016

Winter Updates

Its the end of the year, and I figured it would be nice to share some updates!
This year has been JAM PACKED with action.
Incredible moments of breakdown,
followed with incredible moments of uplift.
Gotta love the waves of life, right?

There's a good amount of happenings to update you all on.
The main update is that SUPER AWESOME VAN PLAN is still moving forward.
Check out that blog to stay up to date on where we are at in the process. 

The second update is that I'm working at a super nice nursing home
in the northern suburbs of Chicago.
The facility and the people and the patients are just incredible.
Such a hard working and motivated group. 

The 3rd update, it that I'm finally in the editing process of some yoga/motivation video content.
I've been sharing media since they came out with built-in cameras on computers. 
I still get a little nervous to put stuff out there.
I've finally decided to shut down my inner critic for a bit and just produce the content.

The first set of videos with focus on CORE ACTIVATION.
One the most important, yet overlooked aspects of functional movement.

Will it be perfect?
Is it top notch production?
Will the classes be against the backdrop of a tropical beach?
Will the exercises be effective and beneficial?
Will the videos be accessible to all?

The videos are based on the concept of "dirtbag yoga".
"Dirtbag" is a term originally from the climbing community.
It's used to describe the type of lifestyle that comes naturally 
when you simplify and pursue the activity you love the most. 

It is not tidy and put together.
It is not edited nor shiny nor elegant.
It is what it is. 

Using creativity and problem solving to use what you've got right in front of you.
These will be practical videos with an emphasis on novice practitioners.
All you need is your body and a willing mind.

Lastly, I've been writing more music!
Hoping to flood my youtube channel with music and exercise videos.
Coming at you live, straight from mama's basement. 

It will never be perfect,
the timing, the space, your outfit
Don't wait for the perfect timing,
Just do it, and keep doing it.