Wednesday, December 18, 2013

#12WaysofChristmas - DAY 7

7. Gift of Giving

If your family really wants to drop some money during the holidays, drop it in places that need it. Plan a giving activity for your family to participate in. It can be anything from a scavenger hunt race to setting up a time to serve at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Make the activity more about giving time and less about the money. Below are some ideas!

-Set up volunteer time at the closest homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

-Purchase hats, gloves, blankets and candy canes. Make little give packages and pass them out to homeless folks on the streets (Chicago is a great place to do this because of the brutal cold weather).

-Make an “acts of kindness” scavenger hunt type of activity. It could include tasks like buy flowers for a stranger, pay for the next person’s coffee without saying anything, give a card to a stranger with a message of love in it, leave a $20 tip at a fast food restaurant, etc. It’s the little things.

-Donate non-perishable food to a local shelter in need.

The list could go on.
You get the point though!
Do something for someone else...
Even if you just look at a stranger with loving eyes, empathetic eyes
Appreciating that they are human and you are human. That counts just as much if not more!
Love for no other reason, acknowledge the oneness we hold as a spieces. 
We are all on the same team.
Unconditional love. <3

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