Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentines Mushy Gush

Valentine's day usually isn't celebrated in our situation because our anniversary is on the following weekend. Rather than try to milk each other for materials and goodies, we generally keep it to one day, the day we decided to be together. 

This year we both ended up doing small little things for each other anyway :) It was amazing to see one small act trickle into another small act, and so on. For example, the day after my treat to Tom, I recycled those materials and shared some valentines day imagery and chocolate with my yoga students. 

Jumanji, our cat, felt the loving too.  

Love is for everyday, not just valentines day :) keep spreading it. ❤️ Tom gifted me a planter tray so we can start a garden this year! Small acts = big change. 

Ms. Manji totally agrees :) 

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