Saturday, May 2, 2015

Moving Back Home

One of my favorite places in Blono is pictured above, the Coffee Hound. It is one place I will always feel at home. This is just one of the many reasons I'm so excited to return to Blono! 

It has been quite interesting to watch my perspective of my hometown shift and change over the last 2 years.  

I was always eager to be somewhere else. I generally felt like Blono had little to offer, was boring, and used to become adgitated by the thought of running into people everytime I'd leave the house. 

While living in Washington IL, working part time, and going through an intensive certification time felt pretty limited. All of my connections to community were scattered amongst the surrounding towns of Peoria, most of which take a 20-30 minute drive to reach. Although I greatly enjoyed the quiet sleepy town of Washington, its amazing park reserves, and the feelings of independence based on my circumstance, I'm so excited to return home. 

WAY More than I would have imagined. 

Although I didn't go far, life has really showed me that every place, person, and circumstance has something to offer.  However, if you refuse to look, you will not see. 

Get ready Blono, looking to do some big things with you in this next year. 

Reasons why Blono is bad ass: 

-Coffee Hound
-Farmers Market Saturdays and Tuesdays 
-Easy Bike Commuting 
-Gardening Community 
- ISU students
-Main Street Yoga
-Diverse communities 
-Familiar faces everywhere 
-Constitution Trail

See you very soon <3

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