Sunday, October 11, 2015

Brushing the Dreads

I grew up hating my natural hairs.
Like deep hate, the messy cry face kind.
When I considered locking up my hair, 
I thought it would be the ultimate solution 
to the problem I'd built around the type of hair I have.  

Lots of people ask questions about my hair.
So here are listed the pros/cons of dreads.
And other dread questions.

Dreadlock Pros:

-Mystical Look
-More Conventional than Afro
-Easy Styling
-Less Maintenance (Daily)
-No hair products

Dreadlock Cons:

-Increased Maintenance Time
Must Dry Completely (1-2 hours)
-Scalp Irritation from Knotting
-Increased weight/thickness
-Must Rip apart regularly to prevent Congos


Dreadlock Questions/Answers

How did you make them?
I backcombed and twisted 100 1-2 inch sections of my hair with a comb.
How long did it take?
It took me 1.5 days to complete. 
However, I ended up having to re-backcomb all of them after 3 months
How do you wash them?
Most common question. I wash them the way you'd wash out a sponge.
Squeeze and add water. Squeeze and add shampoo.
Squeeze and add water.
I occasionally used DreadHeadHQ shampoo.
Then I started using baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
Doesn't your scalp itch?
Yes, but no more than it normally would. I have naturally dry skin.
How do you prevent them from getting mold?
If they get wet, you MUST dry them as thoroughly as possible. Dreads are composed of your hair, the hair you lose/shed, and small bits of lint and other micro material. Allowing dreads to hold water for too long could encourage contamination.
What do you do if you don't want them anymore?
I never knew how to answer this question, as I hadn't planned or felt the desire to not have dreads. I figured I would just cross that bridge when I arrived.

I arrived!
Turns out brushing them out works.
What a process.
Leave a comment below 
if you want to know more about the process 
and the lessons I learned
 from patiently choosing to comb out 
100 dreadlocks!

Coming next:

Combing The Dreads Out

Why did you decide to brush them out?
How did you comb them out?
Did you use any products?
How long did it take?
What lessons did you learn from combing out your dreads?
Would you get dreadlocks again?
What does hair maintenance look like now?

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