Sunday, August 30, 2015


This was such a relevant teaching for me this week.
Such an emphasis on keeping your head in the present moment.
Not letting the mind pull you into past or future.
I pulled this little #wisdomnote from the jar the weekend I left my parents phone plan.
I had a perfect idea of how things would go.
I would get to leave the family plan without any fees
And then I would punch in my phones info to join a new online phone company.

Didn't exactly flow that way.
I failed to do more in depth and upfront research on the company I'd plan to join.
Which set me back, ALOT
So, if you've tried to contact me via phone/text lately, I'm sorry I couldn't respond!
I've been without phone/text/internet right in my palm for about a week.

Initially, it felt like I was missing a huge something.
Like I was regressing because of the lack of connection.
I couldn't access whatever information I wanted, whenever I wanted.

This piece of wisdom kept me a float.
Reading it every morning helped me to access the information right in front of me.
When ever I wanted.
I really came to understand how much distraction I allow
to stop me from filling up my free time in a more productive manner.
It's crazy.
I've loved it.
I've been tapping into free wifi just to keep my blog and #100daysofgratitude going.
And to manage some mini bits of online business.
Other than those little moments of free wifi,
I'm forced to look my free time in the face
forced to really think about what actions I want to plant right now
in order to potentially see a certain fruit later.

Life reminding me through my own little situation to return to the present moment.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Week 2. anyone else a slight control freak?
Wanting to have a death grip on every single moment, so that things are comfortable, predictable, self-gratifying?

A predictable life is not a true life. 
Life by its very own nature is insecure.
Life by its very own nature is temporary and fleeting. 

When we try so hard to run the show, we forget that this life isn't necessarily "ours". It is the greatest gift, that we must savor and perhaps later return. There are greater plans attempting to work through our beings. Plans that are nourishing to the whole of humanity once fullfilled. Nourish the whole and each part is nourished, too. 

When we boss around life, giving it a name, and putting it on a leash, we are no longer in free relationship to it. We close off the open communication between ourselves and our experience. 

Planning requires a future mind. 
Of course, there is some practicality in making a plan. However, I'm learning as I go that I can plan all I want, writing the most amazing story for myself, only to continually find myself at point of realization that the best plan is to plan on being repeatedly surprised, shaken, and recreated. 

Quit stressing out over your story line, and just live the story with as much heart as you can. 

It's heart that ties you too this moment. The richest experience of NOW ❤️

Can you think of a time when you crafted a perfect plan, dotted every -i and crossed every -t only to find out that life decided to unravel in a completely opposite direction? 

Share your experiences with this in the comments or join my email list !
I'd love to hear from you. 

This week, I had the perfect plan of hopping off of my parents' phone plan and joining the big girl world of having my own phone bill. I had every step planned out, polished and smooth. Turns out the company I'm switching too doesn't consider my phone compatible, which is a whole other can of worms. This leaves me phone-less for the week….not what I planned. 

BUT, no phone/internet requires a greater demand of creativity and present-mindedness, qualities that enrich humanity as a whole…it wasn't my plan, but it seems like it is working out for the greater good of things. 

Perhaps life is really calling upon my heart to come out and play a little more this week. 

Until next week loves. <3

Miss Dee

Saturday, August 15, 2015


I filled a little jar 
with 50 little pieces 
of brain food 
Harvested from my heart 
to help me endure 
each work week.

This is week 1.
First concept is such a truth for me.
Every person I encounter 
Every situation 
Is a medicinal dose
Prescribed to crack me open
To burst my seems
To unleash my highest 
To deliver my dreams 
Especially the uncomfortable moments
The irritating moments 
Where one is vulnerable, exposed
Wanting to close up, run away, escape.
I experienced a lot of those this week.
Facing unpredictability
Breathing helped me 
Take in the moment's medicine.
Opening up, again and again.
Living life's lessons. 

Follow along each week to see what kinds of brain food I'm consuming in the attempt to keep it together by, sometimes, letting it fall apart. 

<3 xoxo